st paddy's day

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lemonade, in the form of an Elliptical machine

I went over to the Y expecting to go to spinning today, after waffling over spinning or running, having missed my run yesterday. Well, long story short, they lost my laundry. This would not be so bad, except that I only have one sports bra over there and the prospect of doing spinning or anything else without hurt just thinking about it. So, I waited for 20 minutes while they searched everywhere. In the end, they found it right where it should have been, but under something else. Unfortunately spin class was already started and too full to enter once I was ready. So, I did an interval workout on the Elliptical. Surprisingly, my quads are really sore! Yea! I love being sore after a workout because it means that I worked!!

Now, I can go through my afternoon knowing that I burned at least 300 calories and that I am back on track after a bit too much celebrating for Mother's Day!

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